Obec Zdiby
The village of Zdiby is located in an area in the northern part of the capital city of Prague. The advantage of its excellent accessibility is largely devalued by traffic congestion, noise and related immissions. The municipality’s representatives have therefore taken it upon themselves to ensure the quality and long-term sustainable development of this location and actively support any financial incentives for the site. Life here is very negatively affected by the adjacent D8 motorway, air traffic from the nearby Václav Havel Airport, as well as local congestion. And on top of all that, the cadastre of the village is still crossed by the route of the planned Prague ring road (part of it SOKP 519 – Suchdol – Březiněves), the planned extension of the D8 motorway, the construction of the Zdiby off-grade intersection and the connecting Prosecca radial. The other relatively massive construction of logistics centres in the vicinity has a negative impact, therefore it is necessary to make maximum efforts to preserve this area in its rural form.
The municipality of Zdiby is the leader of the projects.

Due to the close proximity of the cadastres of Zdiby and Klecany, they joined forces in an innovative project aimed at planting a protective ring located on the border of these two municipalities. This cooperation brings significant benefits through the creation of a green barrier that effectively reduces noise and dust from nearby road traffic.
The town of Klecany is a partner in the project „System of protective greenery Zdib II. STAGE – outer ring site – REGIONAL vegetation features„.

GetBizDone, s.r.o.
GetBizDone is a social enterprise with a stable market position. It provides services in the field of social, environmental and sustainable projects supported by national and European subsidies. Its clients are municipalities, entrepreneurs and the non-profit sector, for whom it helps to secure funds for their projects as part of fundraising. It administers and supervises the correctness of the progress of the supported projects.
GetBizDone provides communication with the public, public administration and non-profit organizations as part of the TENT AIR project. It is the main actor in the organisation of open days. As part of external communication, it manages and maintains the project’s website and Facebook pages. It also manages and communicates the preparation of the action plans of the cities and municipalities involved in the project.

EHP a Norsko
The Norway Grants contribute to reducing economic and social disparities in the European Economic Area.
Norway Grants strengthen bilateral relations between Norway and the Czech Republic.
ZAHRADNICKÉ ÚPRAVY S.R.O. - firma na výsadbu
With tradition, but inspired by the future, Horticultural Landscaping has been in business, as some of our colleagues will remember, since 1991. The main goal is the precise execution of orchard landscaping with an emphasis on the quality of the plant material and its vitality for the future. We like to make use of new technologies and knowledge. To move forward and to increase the efficiency of the work. But the cornerstone is reliable people willing to work outdoors, with their own hands, with a love of nature and knowing the positive results of our work.
We find work, when it makes sense, all over our country. We are happiest when it comes from referrals from satisfied customers or architects. The implementation involves 20 qualified employees in three work groups. A collective of 5 university-educated employees in the field takes care of the smooth execution of the orders. The advantage is the experience of the team and the family atmosphere.

PRO.LUKA - odborný dozor výsadby
PRO.LUKA was founded in 2005 as a platform, a space-time niche where colleagues „meet“ to create space. As time goes on, colleagues alternate and intermingle – depending on the life cycles and stages they are in, depending on the themes of the work that comes to us.